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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Candida, So Much To Learn

Candida, I {Believe|Suppose|Consider} most people have this

Candida, what {an enormous| a vast|a huge} {topic|subject matter|field of study} this is, as well as an {imperative|essential|a crucial} issue, let's }attempt|make an effort|try} to break this down. Personally, I have not been feeling well for a few months. I went to _{several|a few|a number} doctors and they were all {giving|Providing|conferring with} me diverse answers. {Finally|At last|Ultimately}, I went to an Urologist, and {Found out|established| ascertained} that my Urine was over flowing with sugar; which can {destroy|damage|devastate} the kidneys and I am {furthermore|in addition|what's more} a diabetic.  Lastly it will {by no means| in no way|never} go away until I {lessen|bring down| lower} my blood sugar. I am {talking|speaking|conversing} about a yeast infection that will not go away. Hear and now, I am {inconvenienced|caused for concern| finding difficulty} by conducting my own research, for the most part, people know their {bodies|personal Essence|tangible bodies}, and can really {figure out|form an opinion| sum up} what they think is going on, This also can {guide|direct|maneuver} your doctor, by providing {supportive| helpful|encouraging} information.
Any of the yeast like likes {imperfect| presumed| features} of fungi of the {genus| group| species} of Candida that are {normally| in general|usually} present on the skin and in the mucous membranes of the mouth, intestinal tract, and vagina, and that may {become|develop into|befall} pathogenic, especially C. albicans, the causative agent of thrush.
The genuine Candida {encompasses| includes|covers} a number of individual yeast species. Many of the members of the Candida genus live on and in the human body {normally|in general|customarily} but they can {pose|masquerade| establish} a risk to human health in the form of opportunistic infections. Candida infection can be {irritating|irksome|exasperating} but it is treatable with the use of an anti-fungal medication. Candida {attacks|assaults|strikes} both men and women; yeast can {hide| conceal|take cover} in any moist damp area.

*      · Stress
*      · Prolonged illness
*      · Use of antibiotics
*      · Use of corticosteroids oral or inhaled
*      · Diabetes
*      · Hormonal changes such as pregnancy or use of birth control pills
*      · Dentures Conditions that cause a dry mouth Smoking
*      · Smoking

There are two kinds of Candida; one is easy to {cure|treat|alleviate} if it is a mild case or the {serious|grave|severe} kind that has been {growing|on the rise|mounting} in you for years. Well the later case is very {difficult|tricky|arduous} to get rid of. You can use different {products|capitulate give way} to lessen the symptoms, all though that is only a {temporary|fleeting|short-term} solution. You must {track| hunt down|stalk} Candida right down to the cause and start there. I know mine is sugar, I am a sugarholic, my new word…

Furthermore, this is what I am learning; medical doctors are not trained in Candida, and {deny|refute|rebuff} it even exists. It hides in your colon, intestines, and any dark moist area. Internal overgrowth can {happen|occur|materialize} in a short period of time. If you have an overly {acidic|bitter|acid} body, this is another place it hides; you can use baking soda for this with a glass of water three times a day. Some of the { side affects| involved|influence} of Candida are many I will name a few. Oral thrush, migraines, sinus ear and eye infections, toenail or skin fungus, brain fog, depression, fatigue just to name a few. And, you are not getting the facts to help you from your own doctor.

This is a spit test you can do to see if you have Candida, you need a clear glass of water right by your bed. First thing in the morning, before you even get out of bed spit in the glass of water, make sure you generate good Saliva. Before an hour is up, watch it closely, you will see one of these three things.

v     Strings like legs hanging down from the saliva
v     Nasty looking saliva at the bottom of the glass
v     Cloudy specks suspended in the water
I plan on writing more on this subject as I learn more and more about it. I sure hope this article can help many of you, and everyone want to tell you what is the best cure, therefore be careful some of those ideas can make the Candida worse. One last thought, don't trust any advertising that claim you can get rid of this in ex amount of days, it takes a long time, no matter what they say.

The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on RedGage and My Smashing Magazine to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copyscape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone should copy my works...

How To Plan Your Will, Including a Living Will

Planning a will is, to some extent uncomfortable, many people circumvent and will not converse about or deal with this issue. It's flabbergasting to me on how much of the populace leave this kind of detail to others; like descendants, the family unit, or their children. This is so erroneous and simply apparently, not reasonable.
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After you've departed this earthy place, your loved ones possibly will not agree on what to do and they will be too upset, too many people in the mix. As a result, you once again have, inconceivably let this serious dilemma undone for other to exasperate over, your duty is to plan ahead, if not for yourself, do it for those that you love.

My will, will encompass all concerns, also included in the planning for who will take my precious dog and cat, this is to me is, absolutely imperative, they will miss me so much and I want them to be in a loving, devoted, warm, doting, and affectionate environment. Our pets are our family (my family), try to remember them while you’re organizing your deliberations.
The paramount feature was to buy the best software program, from Susie Oreman, go to Susie's website, she engaged a group of Attorney's to write and plan this will, as a result it would be completely legal. Now, I have the software and whenever or if I need to make any changes, I just pop in the CD in my computer and assemble the changes. On the contrary, if you compose changes you are required to abide by the same steps as when you first created your will, I will resolve and expand the details for you.
Subsequently, the software is easy and will walk you through each step you need to take; it includes a living will at the end. Therefore fill out the paper work, all three parts. There might be special items, videos or letters you want to leave for family or friends telling them where these items will be. After that, outline all funeral planning and all special requests. Prepare by making sure you assign one person to be in charge, accordingly, rest assured, your will is respected.
As a final point, it is vital to print out your new will; there should be about three different parts, so I stapled all three originals sets. Take you’re finished will to your bank and have all copies notarized. It follows, that you make a copy for each person that you want to have a copy of this will; to your children, husband, wife, and best friends. And finally, this is imperative and central, give a copy of your living will to your doctor for his/her file, This is crucial to add to your medical chart.
The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on HubPages to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copyscape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone should copy my hubs...

Losing My Battle With Diabetes

Losing My Battle With Diabetes

The past month encompassed a serious month for me for my health and the health of my daughter…I developed  an ongoing yeast infections, I proceeded going to numerous doctors and I finally found out my blood sugar was at 800 and the doctor sent me to the emergency room. I engage in my very first insulin shot and that petrified me. I was told I had diabetes about 3 years ago, and I denied it. I refused to keep to a diet and ate whatever I wanted and I was okay for a few years. Then, BA-MM! I got hit hard.
Without hesitation, for me to be without sweets, is akin to exasperating and a feeling that I am be enforced, hey just send me to rehab for heroin, I say, “I am eating my chocolate that is that.” The yeast infections kept coming back. I just wrote an article here on RedGage about Candida, that is an important read for anyone with diabetes or any serious health issues. If you don’t have any health problems, remember Candida will hide until it reaches overload. For warned is for armed!
All right, after two months with these very uncomfortable infections, I just stopped all sugar; it appears that the doctors didn’t identify what was this phenomenon. It’s tough; trust me, when I tell you for me to NOT eat sugar is so very hard. I detest green food, and also love starch, which also turns into sugar.
Diabetics ought not eat corn, peas, starches, juice of any kind, so you got it. Eat only real live food. Like eating well, mustard greens, purple kale, black leaf kale, collard greens, baby mustard greens, rainbow chard, yuck this is so excruciating for me to think of these kinds of food, I suspect I am being punished by the Almighty Himself.
I unearthed  from a Urologist that my blood sugar, at present, hence the reading of sugar are too high, and the sugar was over-flowing into my urine and this could produce a kidney failure. For real, I don’t want to go to dialysis three of four times a week. So what to do, I doubled down on my Diabetic pills, and I give myself shots of Byetta. Byetta is this miracle drug, for the paramount time in history; at this juncture it is incredible this, can beyond doubt, mend the pancreas. The powers that be, revealed this about four years ago, it is found in the Eli-A monster, who would of guessed a large lizard could save so many life's.
Studies suggest that the best way to prevent diabetes for sure is to drop excess weight, improve your diet and exercise regularly. That’s also the best way to control your blood sugar levels and limit complications associated with diabetes if you already have it.
Bearing in mind, and a week without and sweets including bread, I must say the yeast infections went away, which provides evidence to me, I have Candid. So I called my doctor, she said, "She doesn’t treat Candida but recommended a great MD that does, she said she knows all about it, and believes it exists." Here and now, is the time to learn about your own body and eating healthy well healing almost anything? But, you must start before it is too late. God Bless and bon`apatite.
The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on RedGage and My Smashing Magazine to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copy-scape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone should copy my Works...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Trump Network, OMG what a Scam, read this...
The Trump Network
There are so many work from home scams. On Twitter everyone is selling something, they even make it sound so promising. We all have a weak spot, and right now with the way the economy is going, we can easily be swayed into believing a tall tale. Some of the people that run these scams are trained for this and have, claim to have awards many awards" for the best work from home job, of all time.
I saw an ad on Facebook to join the Trump Network. Now, Trump has always been my hero for two reasons, he made a come back after losing everything and had to file bankruptcy. Second he is a savvy and very successful business man. In my mind I didn't think he would attach his name to anything that could go wrong. So I followed Trump off a cliff.
1.                 Step 2
I am a retired disabled senior living on less then a survivable income. And, I was looking for something to help me make enough for grocery money. So I called the number and left a message. Within a few minutes my phone rang and it was a man named Keith...I had no idea what a MLM was, it is something like a pyramid system, only the people at the top make money. Now, I am not speaking about anyone but me, and my experience with this company.
2.                 Step 3
I had a wise friend here with me to listen to what he had to say, and we asked many questions. The cost to join was $529.00, which included a box of some of their products to try. I was told that I would be given five people which would give me my money back, because you make $100.00 for each person you bring in. I was told they would supply me with everything I needed to get started and that I would have his complete and total support. So, looks like there is nothing to lose. I explained to him that this was huge for me, and I would be using my next months rent money to join. Right then and there he told my bank card number and signed me up. Wow, now I was working for Trump, and I was thrilled.
3.                 Step 4
That was the last time this man ever called me or returned my call. He gave me to a friend whom he went to high school with, a very nice guy, but he worked a full time job and just joined and did not yet know how the system worked. The next day he game me to a man named Art...Art never called me so I called him, he said he was new and just could not help me. To make a long story short, be careful, I contacted the main headquarters, they promised to look into it and then they disappeared. I will never, ever go near a MLM again in my life or anything that states you can make money from home. I will grow my fortune writing a million articles on the Web, and create another published book...Oh, I did meet some really nice people at the end, but it was too late. I needed money to advertise, to travel to go to the big meetings and to pay for a website and the response package so people can contact me. I lost over $1000.00 in six months. Beware of anything that sounds good, and shame on them and shame on Trump for taking my little fortune when he is the riches man that walks around New York. One last thought, maybe someone should show him this article?

My last update for this articles, this is July 2011, I received an email from the Trump Network telling to stop writing this articles or they would sue me.  So I called the Trump Towers in New York City, and talked to one of Trumps assistants and sent her the letter from, The Trump Newwork.  Then she asked me what it was I wanted.  I said I want my money back, I was lied to and you can sue me I don't care, If you want my old car and my hold mobile home go for it.  She told me she would talk to "The Donald" himself and get back to me and that was about four weeks ago, NO response.  Donald allows his company, that he owns to lie to seniors without taking any responsiblity for their actions and refuses to talk to this little old lady and I hope he has a grand old time on my rent money...Cheers Donald Trump, you are showing your true self, and we are not talking about class here.

Mind you, promoting The Trump Network is just one of the benefits Trump is receiving from the media attention being poured upon him by the national media. But, much like The Trump Network itself, Donald Trump's recent foray into politics is smelling a bit like a Ponzi/Pyramid scheme.
Not that I'm accusing Trump of running a giant scam, mind you. I'm just brave enough to ask the question. I think Trump himself can respect that.
Update: A search of "Trump Network" on Google's Blog Search returns 44,900 hits, including countless mentions in the past 24 hours alone. Maybe someone should ask him about this.
Update 2: Here's Trump talking about The Trump Network. A video "welcome" from Trump on the can be found at the Wayback Machine.

The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here RedGage and My RedGage and My Smashing Magazine to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copy-scape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone should copy my works...PHOTO FROM FLICKR AND VIDEO FROM YOUTUBE

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Track Every Keystroke on the Family Computer

Track Every Keystroke on the Family Computer
Our world has transformed, and for the duration of this new age of danger at every corner, it’s essential to formulate and adjustment to learn safeguards to protect our loved ones and be on the offensive; we are all aware of the need to protect our children whilst they are surfing on the internet. If we are still leaving it up to "trust the kids" you have NO clue how clever and devious a predator can be. 

As far as my existence went during the days of raising my family, we didn’t have computers in the home, as well as, larger companies still were not using computers in the 1980’s. Nonetheless, I would declare my thoughts to spy on my family for any reason was. on no account, an issue. I never looked in my husbands’ wallet or his draws at home or at the office. In this day and age, I would advise beginning this moment by moving the computer into the family room for all to use. on the contrary, for the most part the kids stay at home while parent run errands and or going off the the office everyday, so watching them afar for their protection is a must.

From time to time we are obliged to take a hand in fate; Moreover to be the protector in the family. In addition to whatever role you play there is software that takes photos, copies every e-mail sent and e-mail’s coming in. This is a complete snapshot of every stroke on the computer. Don't be fooled to think you have spy-ware on your computer, which does not have this same features. Try out discount books and software sites, learn what program offers all this and more; you will find it, it is the latest and the best in the market today. Check it out you might even find a discount; you can download it and pay for it right online.

Protect your family from outside predictors, watch who you kids they are talking to. Protect your office or company; see who is spending their time on non-business sites. This software cannot be seen and the family will never know it is on the computer. When the family is not at home you can put in a secret password and pull up a report. You can print them all out and keep them in a file, or delete anything that is not important. Computers can be fun, but if anyone stray's off course, a predator is always waiting in the wings. Keep an eye on your family, if they can walk into danger and you will be there to protect them.

This software cost around a hundred dollar’s, ranging from new to used software. However once again, look for savings and discounts on-line. Instantly you will have a way to find out what everyone is doing and track their movements in real time. You can pull them out of a very serious situation. A happy family can be destroyed by a predictor. They are always looking for the weak links, and our adorable children are so trusting.

You must be ready to face the truth, as they say, fact can be stranger then fiction. Good Luck and God Bless

The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here RedGage and My RedGage and My Smashing Magazine to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copy-scape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone should copy my works...PHOTO FROM FLICKR AND VIDEO FROM YOUTUBE

Friday, July 8, 2011

Traveling By Train, The Wild, Wild West, Bargain and great discount Now

Video From YouTube

Enjoy Traveling by Train
Once upon a time I was on a flight that lost control and we were going to crash, last minute rescue from God and the pilot, therefore I Petrified to fly, and I decline to fly. Consequently I permanently drive or take the train. I recollect one summer, while living in California, I seized my children and we traveled on a five day train holiday.

First, leaving California we traveled down through the southern route to Florida, then up to New York City. We execute a private room on this exhilarating voyage, thus we all had a blast. I desire to capture your attention and enlighten with reference to receive pleasure in this method of traveling and the reasons are therefore of great consequence.  The second rationale happen to love the train; it strikes a chord of the Norman Rockwell days, small America, farmers, sales people, housewife's, grandmothers, people that feel distressing to fly or many other’s simply love the train. The lone rationale behind me discontinuing traveling via train transpired for the reason that they don't permit dogs, and I will not go anyplace with out my baby. If you haven't any know-how, roughly speaking, on the subject of this approach to travel, I propose you partake in this diverse tour on an Amtrak Train. Go to the discount location on their website, round trip from Colorado to San Francisco was $89.00 I took my blanket and pillow, my little dog sits on my lap, (she is now a seizure dog)I have a bag full of food and my knitting. Subsequently think about these ideas. And, avoid the cost of air fare, and the hassle of the airports.

Amtrak website, it so simple you can pick times, find special deals that work within your financial plan; view the maps on all the diverse routes, it is fun, work with the site, try different times, places, get prices. I vote this an all around an A+ website. Countless people conserve their money by bring their own lunches, and have enough food for the entire trip. Not me, I bring snakes, but I love the dinning car and have met the most wonderful people that you sit with.

Looking at the wonderful views.

In addition it’s an enjoyment, whilst traveling unaccompanied I encounter pleasant people be acquainted with and I merely stay in the main car, for a lighthearted and comfortable two day trip. The seats go back enough for sleeping; however I at all times fetch my own blanket and pillow.  In addition there is a social car, it was once called the smoking car, and thank you those days are over. Another train car has a glass dome where you can see America, our country, play cards, games or just talk to the people that are more social, if you’re akin to stay to yourself, simply stay in your seat and read and nap. Besides,  family's that travel with  children, there are stringent rules and the kids are usually quiet and good, the parent's produce games and toys, or they spend time in the club card, dining car, view car, or game room.

Whilst people fly from here to there, they on no account see anything but clouds and an airport terminal. When you travel on the train you see our country, you see and feel this sensation world, this is God's country. It is a canvas that you watch in awe. I have fun and enjoy the train, and I feel it is one adventure everyone should try this once in their lifetime.
Tips:· To Save Money, and stick with your budget, try to plan way ahead, check out all the special that Amtrak offers. They are get at getting back to you if you need to ask a question.
  • · They also have a handicap car that is very nice.
  • · Remember it will cost you a lot more money to stay in a Private room.
  • · At this time they only take dogs for the blind.
  • · If you budget is tight, bring your own lunch, dinner and snacks.
All trains, to all places, all spring long.
Spring is here, and with it comes a great offer from Amtrak Guest Rewards®. Because when you become a member and register for the Spring Ahead promotion, any Amtrak® travel you take will earn you double points March 21 through May 6, 2011. Plus, you'll earntriple points starting National Train Day, May 7 through May 21, 2011.  Remember Their are great special all year long so sign up for a newsletter to receive via email.

All of which you can redeem for fantastic rewards like:
• free Amtrak travel and upgrades
• hotel stays
• car rentals and more

Join Amtrak Guest Rewards today and register for the Spring Ahead promotion, giving you a head start on rewards this spring.
All trains, to all places, all spring long.

Spring is here, and with it comes a great offer from Amtrak Guest Rewards®. Because when you become a member and register for the Spring Ahead promotion, any Amtrak® travel you take will earn you double points March 21 through May 6, 2011. Plus, you'll earntriple points starting National Train Day, May 7 through May 21, 2011.

All of which you can redeem for fantastic rewards like:
• free Amtrak travel and upgrades
• hotel stays
• car rentals and more

Join Amtrak Guest Rewards today and register for the Spring Ahead promotion, giving you a head start on rewards this spring.
The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on My Smashing Blog and RedGage on the Pages to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copyscape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone should copy my works...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

How to Teach Your Children to Become Young Philanthropist

As they say, show by example, how true this is. Show your young children how to share and have a big heart. Sometime, you as parents, can help them with funds. But, for most of us we need to show how we can take something small and make it really big. A child can really go a long distance if they have an idea, let me tell you how.

All your child needs is a little nudging from you. Throw around an idea or two. What is it they love to do. Let's say your young adult loves to write in a journal, so maybe you can inspire him/her to write a book. This could be fun, and there are so many great ideas, like how to find and keep a boyfriend, how to get rid of your acne, or how to apply make-up, as well as, how to buy the right baseball glove. Now that is a good idea on one direction to start. Photo From Flickr

For sack of making this easy, let's pick a playground. Your young child has a great idea, or you give them the idea, of getting help from the community to build a playground in an impoverished area. Kids can gain access in many areas adults would fail. Can you see your child on the radio station telling everyone he/she needs help to build this playground in a particular area. Maybe he/she can ask for a small piece of donated land?

Once your child see' s the momentum building up, he/she will start to feel the excitement of making things happen, they will learn to become leaders, and learn to follow through. They can contact some landscaping companies to donate some help in the park, as well as, drawing in the people, of this local area to join in to help work on the play ground the day that it all comes together. Let your child cut that yellow ribbon and see how great they will feel for the purpose of giving to others. God Bless, our children our future.

The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here RedGage and My RedGage and My Smashing Magazine to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copy-scape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone should copy my works...PHOTO FROM FLICKR AND VIDEO FROM YOUTUBE