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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Trump Network, OMG what a Scam, read this...
The Trump Network
There are so many work from home scams. On Twitter everyone is selling something, they even make it sound so promising. We all have a weak spot, and right now with the way the economy is going, we can easily be swayed into believing a tall tale. Some of the people that run these scams are trained for this and have, claim to have awards many awards" for the best work from home job, of all time.
I saw an ad on Facebook to join the Trump Network. Now, Trump has always been my hero for two reasons, he made a come back after losing everything and had to file bankruptcy. Second he is a savvy and very successful business man. In my mind I didn't think he would attach his name to anything that could go wrong. So I followed Trump off a cliff.
1.                 Step 2
I am a retired disabled senior living on less then a survivable income. And, I was looking for something to help me make enough for grocery money. So I called the number and left a message. Within a few minutes my phone rang and it was a man named Keith...I had no idea what a MLM was, it is something like a pyramid system, only the people at the top make money. Now, I am not speaking about anyone but me, and my experience with this company.
2.                 Step 3
I had a wise friend here with me to listen to what he had to say, and we asked many questions. The cost to join was $529.00, which included a box of some of their products to try. I was told that I would be given five people which would give me my money back, because you make $100.00 for each person you bring in. I was told they would supply me with everything I needed to get started and that I would have his complete and total support. So, looks like there is nothing to lose. I explained to him that this was huge for me, and I would be using my next months rent money to join. Right then and there he told my bank card number and signed me up. Wow, now I was working for Trump, and I was thrilled.
3.                 Step 4
That was the last time this man ever called me or returned my call. He gave me to a friend whom he went to high school with, a very nice guy, but he worked a full time job and just joined and did not yet know how the system worked. The next day he game me to a man named Art...Art never called me so I called him, he said he was new and just could not help me. To make a long story short, be careful, I contacted the main headquarters, they promised to look into it and then they disappeared. I will never, ever go near a MLM again in my life or anything that states you can make money from home. I will grow my fortune writing a million articles on the Web, and create another published book...Oh, I did meet some really nice people at the end, but it was too late. I needed money to advertise, to travel to go to the big meetings and to pay for a website and the response package so people can contact me. I lost over $1000.00 in six months. Beware of anything that sounds good, and shame on them and shame on Trump for taking my little fortune when he is the riches man that walks around New York. One last thought, maybe someone should show him this article?

My last update for this articles, this is July 2011, I received an email from the Trump Network telling to stop writing this articles or they would sue me.  So I called the Trump Towers in New York City, and talked to one of Trumps assistants and sent her the letter from, The Trump Newwork.  Then she asked me what it was I wanted.  I said I want my money back, I was lied to and you can sue me I don't care, If you want my old car and my hold mobile home go for it.  She told me she would talk to "The Donald" himself and get back to me and that was about four weeks ago, NO response.  Donald allows his company, that he owns to lie to seniors without taking any responsiblity for their actions and refuses to talk to this little old lady and I hope he has a grand old time on my rent money...Cheers Donald Trump, you are showing your true self, and we are not talking about class here.

Mind you, promoting The Trump Network is just one of the benefits Trump is receiving from the media attention being poured upon him by the national media. But, much like The Trump Network itself, Donald Trump's recent foray into politics is smelling a bit like a Ponzi/Pyramid scheme.
Not that I'm accusing Trump of running a giant scam, mind you. I'm just brave enough to ask the question. I think Trump himself can respect that.
Update: A search of "Trump Network" on Google's Blog Search returns 44,900 hits, including countless mentions in the past 24 hours alone. Maybe someone should ask him about this.
Update 2: Here's Trump talking about The Trump Network. A video "welcome" from Trump on the can be found at the Wayback Machine.

The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here RedGage and My RedGage and My Smashing Magazine to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copy-scape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone should copy my works...PHOTO FROM FLICKR AND VIDEO FROM YOUTUBE

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