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Saturday, August 13, 2011


Senior, children and all animal lovers;
Their Pets Perhaps I am writing this article since it’s a must read, I feel obliged to position in plain words an amazing reality to loads of people who have no; “EMPHATICALLY, and don’t get IT! They, people, apply the word pets; seniors do not make use of that expression, these cats and dogs have replaced most elders with that void in their lives, as their children and or their best friend.
My baby is a tiny toy black poodle, and I assert we experienced every instant together, and I maintain, on no account, we have never been apart in eight years. Babies lay right here, in her small basket, on my desk while I write. Mr. Kitty in addition, has his own basket on my desk accordingly you can perceive who runs my home.
On Tuesday I set an appointment with our Family Vegetarian, whom in my humble opinion is the best Doctor in the world. Dr. Core Vandervale and Dr. Monica, it was an out of the ordinary appointment on this day, in a since I had happen to become alerted of an abnormal swelling in Babies abdominal area, of course this troubled me greatly to the highest degree. Babies belly has swollen and was getting bigger everyday and she could not get up on a chair, the bed, I would have to pick her up.
After arriving to see Dr. Core she was weighed and had an x-ray taken, and it was a dark x-ray and it was hard to see what was really in her belly area. However the doctor told me see needed to lose weight and said that she was showing signs of arthritis on her spine. Nevertheless upon leaving I knew in my heart there were further problems, rather threatening; a serious assessment on my part.
Without hesitation on Friday the 12TH, today babies tummy was seemly alarmingly growing developing and mounting, like filling a balloon with too much air and you could tell it could pop at an instant Consequently. I went back in and Dr. Monica, because Dr. Core was now on vacation, and Dr. Monico observed that the first x-ray was to dark, thus she obtained another one. She and babies were departed from the room a bit longer then I would have been keen on, therefore when she returned she had with her the new x-ray, and it showed a mass of some sort.
Then, Dr. Monica also removed a large syringe of blood from Babies tummy and when she walked back in with the new x-ray, the syringe of blood and a box of tissue. That was all I need to see, it was in one moment a perfect day and within seconds the day turned into a nightmare, I just knew and burst into tears, and sobs. The blood sample showed a large rate of Cancer cells, with of course is the primary concern; however the mass could be a tumor in her belly area. No matter which course I am required to yield to, my darling best friend, is dying. I am losing her, OMG those words on this paper and the keyboard is wet from my heavy tears; and to turn out matters worse she is happy, and bouncy, acts young and once all the liquid was drained, which took very nearly an hour, the considerable quantity of this liquid has seeped into her belly, but where is it coming from?
I will repeat and say I am one of the low income senior citizens that live in Colorado Springs; this kind of expense can and will break me. On top of this Monday it’s essential to make a choice, and I am going to share this with my readers, first and foremost she is showing a high count of an extremely nasty cancer cells coming from take a guess, at this point it is a mystery. Next, she is not producing adequate protein, which is how I understand all this; we all have blood veins and it takes gravity to hold the blood in the vain, the protein gives the gravity that is required to keep the blood in place. She shows a extremely low count of this protein. Furthermore, could it be her heart valve leaking blood?
Next there is a mass, so is this a tumor that has ruptured to create the cause? Yet, we still have the problem of this nasty cancer cells swimming around building momentum as we speak. They drained her today as a result when she got home is was happy, wide eyes and wanting here dinner and wanted to play; now it appears I am dealing with a healthy happy dog. No matter what alternative it will be critical to manage. Proceeding Monday, I know this will be our last week-end together!
Whatever I do, will always be in her best interest not for me, yet I don’t want to play God. I am devastated and hard broken, I have been sopping in large drops of water to water my yard. This baby is too young to have so many issues happening to her. I am painted into a corner here, no money = cancer, tumor, surgery, all is over. When we watch our beloved friends leave us slowly of old age it’s so different. On the contrary, today knocked the wind out of my sail, I am in so much pain and I have this last week-end to spend with her, furthermore she is the love of my life! I am in such deep mourning right now. I hope you all have a great secret solution, or answers, and finally pray for her. Please pray for her.  Babies I love you!


  1. every i pray for her make her last weekend and second life enjoyable good luck
