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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Beware of Writing Articles on Other Writing Sites, Like Factoidz

Beware of Writing Articles on Other Writing Sites, Like Factoidz

For the past year I have been writing articles on eHow, short "how to" articles. I have gone through many sweeps with ehow. A sweep is where they remove most of your large money making articles so you have to keep starting over. This last sweep they deleted 37 of my artilces, without warning, so I had no time to back up. A new company purchased ehow, at least that is what they said. Now, non of my great articles are NO longer any good because they have been directed out over the web to bring you back to eHow. At the present moment I am looking for a home for about 70 really good short how to articles. So beware here also, I miss my friends, but I am hoping to move them over to where ever I go for writing short articles. Hubpages does not want them as they are "used"....Gosh, I feel all dried up....

Now, I am really serious, I have never experienced this in all my years of writing. I wrote Factoid about a month ago and asked them to delete my account and to delete my articles. They said, "No we keep your articles, but we can delete your account".

Now, I know from the laws point of view, I own my work, as I am the Author, I feel you need to understand this as writers. Nobody can steal your work or they are breaking the law.

Finally, this is important for all my writer friends to understand the law....16. Copyrights and copyright agents..We respect the intellectual property of others, and we ask you to do the same. If you believe that your content or other work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide our Copyright Agent the following information:

The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (you can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on RedGage and My Smashing Magazine to read the remainder of the article.)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Death Penalty, Has it changed over the years?
The Death Penalty, I Have Changed Sides
Subsequent to analyzing the nightly news broadcast, in support of my countless years thriving on this Earth, I have observed repeat offenders, befall early release from prison for “good” behavior and within the first few years of release, “they” cannot come to an end of committing homicide, kidnapping children, otherwise any number of the serious issues that can result in carnage. I in my early years, in no way understood in the death penalty, mainly not for the reason of some moral issues, primarily I thought that the death would be too painless for them. After all they prepared their victims to suffer, have fear, and create crudity, before they took their lives. I was of the opinion they would suffer further by lingering and a diminutive cell staring at bars, being bothered by the additional inmates and or being restricted in their movements.

Straight away I see they have their own TV sets, if you have money you can buy food, weapons, drugs, have fun playing cards and just hanging out with a roof over your heads. Um, I in all confidence certainty have faith that there is incredibly off beam with this picture…

So therefore, I over the years I engage in watching court TV, and additional crime related shows, I ought to be a frustrated forensic scientist. Selected people are given three live sentences’ since they murdered three human being, which thoroughly does ring out incongruous to me, currently the jails are utterly jam-packed, which when I contemplate regarding the fact that each and every one of us are paying to house, cloth, and feed these men and women. Therefore what is the point? A number of serial kills get a life sentences for each life, how stupid is that? As since this merciless person only has one life.

Conversely, the minorities that are on death row spend their life in their cells and even get married, has the death penalty is become a joke? Yes, a hoax and accordingly why don’t we give them something like in 90 days to die and they preserve the right to choose how they want to die.
  1. A firing squad
  2. Lethal injection
  3. Hanging
  4. or and eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth
Promptly, “Child Molesters” all need to have “it” chopped off, along with their fingers. The three strike rule ought not to apply for the serious issues, only for DUI and walking without being in a crosswalk. Or else establish our prison system more like Peru’s, to go a step further, perhaps re-erect the dungeons the kings once controlled. Or, how about following in the shoes of Vald Dracula’s system by impaling the evil doer’s on the main road into town, in this fashion all can see that crime does not pay! Um I question what they are going to do to Casey Anthony, who killed her daughter Kylie, oh excuse me, assumed innocent until convicted.

Promptly, the death penalty cases are essential be straightforwardly for the satisfied fact cases, with DNA back-up and without a doubt as to whom the killer or killers might be. Enough is enough, these people cannot be salvaged, I am talking at this juncture about the worse of the worse type of human being. We have grow to be too politely correct, in virtually all that we do and say, and we are obliged to prohibit attacks on women and children, without hesitation, and start talking about the “unthinkable.”

As soon as we get rid of the hornets nest of evil, then we will be capable of developing programs and rehabilitation for those that desire the benefit from this course of action, or raise extra money to acquire science to study the human brain, heck I don’t have all the answers, in spite of this, I am not favorable in relation to what the system is actually doing or not doing now. We have to draw a line in the sand, and say “NO MORE.” This is getting old and what about the “Hannibal Lectors,” of our society? Why do they run through their lives being locked up for the reason that they are too treacherous to be loose among other humans. Why are they in spite of everything, alive? Why do we care about this person life, perhaps he has taken numerous lives in such a vicious way, he should not see another day!

This Article was Written by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on RedGage and My Smashing Magazine to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copyscape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone should copy my works...PHOTO'S FROM FLICKR AND VIDEO FROM YOUTUBE

Saturday, May 28, 2011

An Annual Car Race - The Pikes Peak International Hill Climb

An Annual Car Race - The Pikes Peak International Hill Climb

Historically, Pikes Peak was a widespread destination, when the Mountain would come into view, from a distance the early settler traveled through the bare and jagged plains. Once they achieve a position the mountain peak formed exhilaration in the midst of the inhabitants traveling in the wagon trains. Even supposing it would acquire a long time to arrive at their location, while they moved closer. The Pike Peak Mountain became larger and larger. This came to pass as the gate way on a rugged pass to scramble up and around this mountain, and eventually to progress to Cripple Creek during the gold rush days.

Currently, in the present day, there is an exhilarating event that is called The Pikes Peak International Hill Climb. The Race starts at 9,000 feet, where at this position the pavement is on this part of the road. On the other hand, the top of the summit is 14,000, cold and dangerous; these roads remain dirt and turn into narrow roads, which exist a challenge of shear cliffs in the elevated regions of this race.

One thing to remember you enter the tundra, this is about the tree line, trees cannot grow about a give elevation. The Tundra is an amazing place where few things can live and grow. However you will find families of Mountain Goats, on Pikes Peak...

Various people come here every summer for this electrifying and thrilling race. This mountain continually has clouds on top of its peak; even if the sky is blue with no clouds, Pikes Peak always has a cluster of clouds. The Native American called this, "The Mountain that makes clouds". During my years of living up and on the back side of Pikes Peak, the scenery is breath taking.

The race is for automobiles and motorcycles’, the distance is 12.42 miles over 156 turns, and climbing 4,721 feet. Like I said, some of the road it pavement, but turns into gravel, this race started in 1916. On average there are 150 competitors, and they all love to race to the clouds. This event is famous and brings a great amount of tourist to the Colorado SpringsCity. Maybe you would like to get into this race, call the Chamber of Commerce for more information. Enjoy a few pictures of some of the cars.  All photo's from this article comes from the Colorado Springs Convention And Visitors Bureau.

The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on HubPages to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copyscape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone tries to copy. 

Urinary Tract Infection; Try Natural Healing
Natural Healing
Natural Healing for urinary tract infections
From time to time when you have to go, you just gotta go…then it turns out to be a false alarm, now you walk away and you still gotta go…you just can’t go. You keep thinking, “Maybe I didn’t have to really go”.
With a urinary tract infection the bladder may get confused. But, if you have a frequent, urgent need to urinate and you get a burning or pain in your urethra when you go to the bathroom. Now that is a sure sign of a (UTI) at this point you must see your doctor. And, it is more serious if there is blood in the urine. This could mean you may have a more serious kidney or bladder disorder. You will require a short option of antibiotics to kill the bacteria that enters the bladder and causes the problem in the first place. Whether or not you’re on antibiotics, you will fancy these healing helpers to reduce immediate discomfort and prevent future infections.

This is all well and good, if you are not a diabetic. However, if you are a diabetic this is best advice I know, because I am a diabetic; stop eating anything with sugar right away. Buy real yogurt, and eat enough each day, as well as, you can use the yogurt it on the area that is so painful. This happened to me the first time in January, I went to my family doctor and he said here take one of these pills only. I will give you three if you get more infections. I ended up getting 6 different infections over a one month period. Consequently, I went to my gynecologist, she took my sample of urine whilst she came back and told me I had three infections; bladder, urinary track infection and a yeast infection. She sends home with some powerful antibiotics, which of course I hate to take them.

One week later, “it” came back with a vengeance. This time I went to an urologist, the same test was taken and the doc sat down and told me that my blood sugar was so high in my urine, in addiction, it was overflowing into my kidneys. That is the history of people that are diabetics and this is a nasty disorder. Now was my time to wake up, "check into reality". I didn’t take my diabetes that seriously because I feel great and was not doing the things I was suppose to do. I know a lot about Diabetes because I was a volunteer at the Diabetic Clinic and I learned as much as I could. So I was pleased with this doctors analyzes of what was wrong.

Instantaneously, I proceeded to do my own research, moreover, if you are a diabetic and this should be happening to you, immediately stop sugar, and stop taking antibiotics, this causes yeast infections, from Candida yeast and it hides in the body until you are out of control with high blood sugar.

At this moment start drinking tons of water, nothing but water; your urine should be clear if you are drinking enough water, if your urine is a dark color that’s not good. The water flushes out the bacteria, and you must do this to help remove it in the passing of water. At this point, I know most every know that cranberry does keep the bacteria away. Accordingly, and add Blueberry juice, there are from same family as Cranberry’s. Drink three eight-ounces of cranberry a day, I would mix the two berries together.

Furthermore, Cranberry juice is effective because it has an unidentified ingredient that prevents the bacteria in the urine from sticking to the lining of the bladder. Also, there is an herb called buchu and uva ursi, combined with juniper berries, also has the power to remove the bacteria from the urine, and really makes you urinate to flush you bladder. Blend these three ingredients in a glass and drink it three times a day. Another great idea is to have a soothing bath. Just laying back and soaking in warm water will also help; put in a few drops of essential oils to sooth the external burning.

You will need three drops of sandalwood, two drops of tea tree. Add chamomile, combine the oils in honey and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Sandalwood is antibacterial, and the other ingredients’ help with the inflammation. There are also many vitamins you can take, and the list is too long. But, a good vitamin store has great experts to help you choose the right product for you. This sure beat going to all those different doctors and paying high co-pay. God made everything for us to eat and heal us; we just need to stop with all the medications the doctors give us when there is a natural way. Wishing you healing and true success.
Photo by Darlene Sabella

· The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on RedGage and My Smashing Magazine to read the remainder of the article.) ALL PHOTO'S FROM FLICKR AND VIDEO FROM YOUTUBE

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Planning a Dream Wedding Reception; Oh La La
This subject has many unquestionable answers. However you are extremely lucky to get some answers from me. I was once a Catering Manager for the Disneyland Hotel. Yes, from my point of view, it’s not straightforward to save money for a wedding at a four or five star hotel, along comes the best working staff be there to fulfill and meet all your needs, this kind of wedding you are require to save for long time. This necessitates to be broken down into; what kind of wedding, dinner or lunch menus, open bar, closed bar, or a ticket bar. Consequently, at this point, I assume you appreciate my message loud and clear; on what you want, what you think you want, what you can afford, and become skilled at ways to have what you want, at a price that fits your preplanned budget.

Saving will require some knowledge on wedding planning. Let’s start on a brief dry run; if you are saving for a couple, as the parents of one of the people that are getting married or two Single folks wanting to get married, maybe you are both going to save for your own wedding. As you know this is the first investment” yup a ring of course which truly depends on your personal style. At the moment at my age I would love a simple band, though most brides want a large perfect diamond ring with lots of bling….let’s take some suggestion you must research and decide on your wish list of desired details, and it will take time to find the right people for the right job.

I had an advantage because I knew who the best was; we at Disneyland had our own kitchen staff with underground tunnels which transferred meals from all parts of the hotel. This hotel had, during my time there, 1175 rooms, a convention center, a performing art center with a wonderful stage, and also added to our list the hotel also had five banquet ballroom. Also a rose garden, a glass garden room, the lake out back, and the Disney Studio for any kind of prop or fantasy set ups .Anyone would want to make their dreams come true, we had on the premises, a bakery, and wedding cake makers and a florist.

For anyone not in the business finding the right wedding cake bakery’s; now this is important to find out their track record on showing up on time, which means showing up early, place the cake on the cake table and the insertion the brides top on the cake and adding fresh flowers before the ballroom becomes too busy. Immediately, if I was supervising this wedding, the bride doesn’t have to do anything, as the catering managers in your better hotels are the best. On the contrary, if you are managing it yourself; you have got to get references on their weddings so you can find out their track record. Even call the Better Business Bureau or BBB, to find out if they have had serious complaints’, now this will be what you need to do with all the vendors you hire to do your wedding. “The list,” or the, "Notebook" write it down your dream wedding; First of course after the ring you will want to find the dress, then dicide indoor wedding or outdoor wedding, a rented hall, or a hotel or a back yard which would require a tent or canopy. What does the rented hall offer? Whatever they don’t have you will need to budget for this and add to your list. Do you want to hire a wedding planner, or do it yourself? I would personally suggest keeping your family away from making any discussions, believe me I have seen it all. Give each person you know plus bride’s maids and some family members; give each one a job to do, however they must go through you on every detail.

Where to start? First, at a home, summer, winter, fall, or spring you will need a tent with a walk way into the house; always have plan B, cover yourself with backup and since the whether could ruin your plans. Pick a exact amount of people, now, consider yourself lucky if you receive any RSVP, and your turnout could be about 80% show up. Banquet tables and chairs, round tables for eight people or for ten people, size is important. Buffet tables, maybe two or three long banquet tables, Many large trash cans with large bags, bar setup, bartender, buffet servers, carver in a chefs hat. Made sure you decide on the staff’s outfits and the rental companies to get the right staff uniforms. The grooms’ tuxedos’, bridesmaids’ dresses. Table cloths, DJ table, ask each Vendor what they will require and what they will be bring. Centerpieces for each table, plus buffet tables, food catered or family cooking the food, so people are vegan, or vegetarians, so I would not ask anyone what they want if you chose a buffet, however if you have enough salads along with everything most people eat, everyone will be happy.

Decorations, dance floor, band, on stage? Price of the cake, Plus the cake cutting charge to serve by staff and will be charged by your final count, bride and grooms honored head table on risers or on the ground, Florists’, bakery, music, valet to park cars for your guests, clean up staff, a all green wedding, which will be much more expensive, children allow or not day time for sure evenings, give the kids only of a certain age. Also; Wedding; Fantasy, traditional, or small intimate moment. Memory gifts for friends, honeymoon, place for reception and place for wedding, at home, or rent. Cost of life. Good Luck and I could go on and on about details, other than all this alone is overwhelming for a person not in the industry. It really narrows down to budget, power, control or handing over control. They’re are to this, timing for one, organization, pull out a budget, save that amount, then stay on line with your budget and always plan for a few emergency. Situation I promise you will encounter. Good Luck and God, Bless your love…

The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on My Smashing Blog to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copy-scape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone should copy my Articles...

The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here onRedgage and My Smashing Magazine to read the remainder of the article.)

Goodbye My Hubber Family, Google Has disabled my Account

This has been another week full of Lemons, on Monday I looked at my blog and all my ads were missing, so I came to check my account at Hub-pages. I realized, upon going to my earnings, that Google and disabled my account. I so click on it to find out what the problem was. Now I would like to remind you that I have been on hub-pages for two years now, and I HAVE NEVER MADE ONE PENNY.

I was shocked when I read, "Their were inappropriate clicks on my account." Well funny that it's two days before my first paycheck in two years. I have never clicked on one of my ads, my family pays not attention to my hubs, I write because I am disabled and this is my passion, my social life, and I love Hub-pages and my friends. I refuse to write for free anymore, as I need money for groceries and prescriptions.

Therefore I did an appeal, and they have made me wait all week, and tonight they answered me with, "Sorry your out, and every dime you earned will be returned to the advertisers for losing their money on clicks that are inappropriate." So, when did this inappropriate clicking began, and why now two year and two days from they having to pay me? Way are they refusing to pay me any money I have earned? I am broken hearted and shocked that I would be accused of cheating, me a thief? OMG, this has me so baffled and the pain and hurt is now turned into anger.

I have not made any comments this week as I was waiting to hear the results of my appeal, and tonight I got the answer. I have no choice, but to leave my dear family here. I will write for the contest of April and hope I can win at least one to get some money that I have lost. Be careful in Goggles agreement that said that can oust you for any reason they choose without giving you a reason, um and I wasn't even kissed. I will slowly move my hubs as google is still on my site for hub-pages to get ALL the revenue, this is really serious, to be accused of a crime I didn't do. Love & peace dear friends.

The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on My Smashing Magazine to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copy-scape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone should copy my works...

How I Found Out My Daughter has Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Mother and Daughter relationships can be incredibly complex. This is so with my beautiful daughter, we have had discord since she arrive into this senseless world. I was so young and immature, divorced at eighteen with two babies. Furthermore, I left high school at the first quarter of my second year. I married my best friend, and I was pregnant. We divorced and all I did was work; I worked two jobs, separating from my children with babysitters, not present for all their awesome experiences, not being a virtuous mother, the benevolent mother that watched over my children grow, while they were toddlers.

My Daughter was very percousis child. Her IQ was above genus and to be honest I was not primed to comprehend or ascertain how to handle her. My son was so soft and quiet, and my daughter ran circles around me. Sherry is more like me, I too was also a wild child, she at this instant, transpired to become a brave, gregarious, sensitive person and the best mother I have ever seen. Now, she is a grown woman in her mid forties, still to young to have this burden thrown at here in this way. Last week, she stumbled upon a lump on her breast, and her nibble was starting to appear genuinely malformed. Last week she went to the doctor and then subsequent one week later she found herself in surgery.

Unfortunately, we haven't talked in a few years, this experience has been an off and on relationship, furthermore to be honest with you I don't recollect why she is not speaking to me, in addition, mistrusting each other WILL never happen again. This is so negative and ugly to not speak to family, and a loved one is just nuts and life is to tender and short. This time, it had to be an incredible ludicrous disagreement and as far as I am concerned, I love and miss her very much, and there is no way to break through the brick wall, it just gets thicker and thicker until you stop talking. This is my youngest child, I love her so. Yet, we are so different and we should celebrate those differences, not judge them.

Yes, I am crying as I am writing this, I send my darling daughter an email the minute I talked to her father, Jerry and my best friend, his wife Bernadette, is also my best friend. Thus, I received an email from my daughter who just yesterday had her first chemo treatment and is to sick and weak to talk, she directed me to her personal blog. My daughters partner is Deb, or Debbie and my grandaughter is Sofia. This is what she wrote:

Survived it! Now that that is out of the way. Will back up, Got dressed and literally at the last minute ran my Advanced Directive (gives Debbie/my dad/a family friend) rights to be my voice and agent should the worst occur. It is common to do before surgeries. Ran across the street and got it signed of by my two sleepy neighbors, Sheeza andher husband. Lovely family. After that logistic was to of the way, Deb and I headed to the hospital for registration and administration. It was off to a bumpy start. They had squeezed me in for this surgery last minute and it threw of some of their mojo. Once we got past, we were directed to  Radiology/Radioactive on lower level of hospital. Very desolate and sterile. We then were greeted, by the imagery women, she explained the procedure and had me sign release forms and sign off that I was indeed aware of what the hell was going on. Lots of initialing. Behind her working space was photos of dogs and a bald women with her hair slightly grown out and a generous grin. After my prep talk she asked me to change my shirt into a gown and directed to me to a table with explained a Doctor would be in and would putting 5 injections around the site with careful avoidance of hitting the 3 cysts. The Ultrasound tech came in first an did the cyst locating. The Doctor came in soon thereafter. I was comfortable with them all. The first 3 injections were easy breezy. The 4th a bit of clincher and the 5th which was by surface injection at the nipple was toughest and I did let out a squeal/moan – not a happy moment. Debbie had one of my hands and the Ultrasound Tech had my other for that moment. Once the injections were complete, the Dr and Tech took their leave. I had to stay put for the slight traces of the radioactive injections to run along my node areas. Then the imagery lady ran a feather light needle alongside my left under arm then when off to record. About 20 min later she returned and did under my arm, gone 20 min. Then around my side a bit. Gone a few, then over arm. Not all in that order but you get the idea. In between these waits Debbie rubbed my head and temples and I was feeling the need to stay centered so that motion was incredibly soothing.. I was not allowed to move my left side as I lay on the table. The camera was above me the feathery thing was probably some fiber optics device. Once done with that the imagery woman told Debbie where they keep an imagery CD that needed to be brought to the BreastCenter across the street where the outpatient surgery is done. I was wheel chaired over in with crazy red hair and hospital gown at front for my van. Debbie met us there and I wheeled over to room 4 after a urine sample. The nurses were awesome and got me good to go on the table. Another gown and a lightweight blue cap. I was introduced to my anesthesiologist who had a look that said, I am gonna hook you up big time. I remember holding Deb’s hand and then deb filled me in that I started to go a bit out of it. Apparently as they wheeled me away, I asked if she could come with me and they said sorry could not. Debbie tells me I waved arm in air and said “I Love you.” and she replied back ”Love you too, Peanut.” The next thing I remember is coming out of anesthesia and voices and them telling me I did good and vitals were all on target. The Surgeon walked in and smiled asking how I felt. I was groggy and said “Hi, ya buddy” - again smiles. He reiterated I did good that that I had my port and they only had 1 node removed under my armpit. There are traces of cancer.

The speed bumps coming home were not fun but when we got home, the bed was like heaven. The goal was to void my bladder as much as possible to get all of the crap out of my system – probably the injection material more than anything. My first pee was bright green. Had one vicodin so far but, man don't like how it makes me feel so, so far am toughing it out. It is hard to use my arms because the node was removed on the left and the 2nd piece of port is on left side and the output of the port is on the right so my upper body will need time to heal.

Sheeza and her family walked over a beautiful bouquet and a card that spoke volumes on hope and times that will someday behind us. Sofia’s other household, Lenora and Paula stopped in to pick up a few things and popped in on us with kind words and support. Family is so important at times like these. Invaluable. Sofia is doing well. Both Debbie and Sofia’s birthday is Monday, so the plan is to an intimate evening together bake a cake and share a meal with both households including Grandma here Sunday evening.
Here it is day after surgery and I am trying to eat and I want a shower something fierce. I am watching Debbie gather herself for her day and think about how incredibly hard this must be on her. She lost her mother to cancer on January 2009 after 14-15 year battle. Also, a very close mutual friend and one of Debbie’s closest friends, Cathy also a cancer survivor. Debbie has been hit from all sides at this point and my heart aches for her. She regularly does the Avon walks and plans to participate in the September walk in Santa Barbara. The other day she looked at me and said, “When you shave your head, I am shaving mine too”. Wow…I was very touched. We have known each other for 17 years roughly on a business level and have been together 4 years in May. Our relationship has grown in ways that has had its fair shares of trials and tribulations externally and internally but one things for sure, I am a lucky lady.

The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on My Smashing Magazine to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copy-scape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone should copy my articles...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Gross Fast Food, So Think About This

Understand the Fast Food Industry, It's so Gross

Give permission to me to enlighten you about my education from my teenagers, who at the time, all worked for a fast food chain, my teens revealed to me; by no means make the person you are ordering from mad at you. When you drive through or simply walk into any fast food chain, the young people that work their get revenge when someone pisses them off. My son told me they would spit in the burger while making it for you. So I was always nice.

I was reading an article awhile back about the soft drink dispensers that we walk up to and choose what we want to drink. These dispensers have become the serious issues of today. 48% carry ecol-I bacteria and a large percentage have feces bacteria in them. Gross, yucky, that was all I needed to hear. I'm paranoid enough without that kind of news.

Next on my list, is another gross thought? I was watching Myth Busters on TV sometime ago and cans of Soda is not covered in plastic. My dog food, which I buy from the feed supply house, is covered with plastic. Well, to prove their point, the cases of soft drinks were stored in warehouses, stacks and stacks. They dumped as many mice and rats inside a warehouse and within a few hours, there was creature poop on top of all the cans of sodas. Wash your cans top before you drink from them or before you pour it into a glass.
Hiring a grill cook is the easiest job you can get. It pays low wages, they never do a back ground check, and in all the casino towns, where all the staff needs to have a license, the kitchen staff does NOT need a history. Many of these kinds of folks have interesting backgrounds and it’s a great job to hide in. At least that was my experience in the casino business. Many people that can’t get a license to work in a casino show proof that they have NO felonies of any kind. So housekeeping and kitchen staff are questionable. Now you mix this with teens working in fast food chains and local coffee shops, that just have grill cooks, how clean are they, how clean is their hands after they scratch in a weird place.

The only fast food chain that has the five stars for cleanliness was "IN and OUTS Burger" chain. The reason for this is that they pay their mangers $100,000 a year. This is why they have high guilty of products, staff and safety. In my point of view, I am finding another way to get a quick fix, I make my own food.

The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on RedGage and My Smashing Magazine to read the remainder of the article.) PICTURES FROM FLICKR AND VIDEO'S FROM YOUTUBE.

Kidnapped - Can a Single Event Change Your Life Forever?
Kidnapped – Can a Single Event Chance Your Life Forever?

This is a true story; in spite of this nearly everyone believes this could never happen to them or anyone in their family, this only happens on TV, Nancy Grace, or the nightly news. Unquestionably, tragic incidents in your life, can and will transform your life. Also, in aspect all you relationships and intimates, family or friends cannot grasp or come to terms with this experience. Altogether, each cell in your brain is replaces by new cells like; flight, run, fear, trust issues, and in no way getting into a car with any man, even a friend. The impact of such an event is so startling and mind altering that you survive forever in this parallel universe; associates, relatives, family and friends will never be able to connect with you again. They avert you off as if the honest truthful telling of such a narrative is more or less exaggerated, fabricated, or invented. Without hesitation, why would anyone want that kind of attention, or else, to craft any such tragic event, this kind of aftermath that would cast a dark shadow over your world? Accordingly, you ascertain to discontinue dialogue about IT, you on no account talk about it ever again, with the exception of course, your therapist, whom you will never again adept to live without her…

She was a beautiful young woman, newly divorced and quite naive, I call it obtuse, but to perceive the world through rose colored glasses, at the age of 35, raising five children, worked hard and grew up in the world of Southern California all her life, you would think that she would merely “Get it”. People lie, people have hidden agenda’s, they all have secrets, some that are wonderful, others are dark and deep.

Several times the wife of such a man could live with him for twenty years and never know. How could anyone not know, it’s like living and sleeping with the enemy, a complete stranger. I have a neighbor just like this and his wife has no clue how threatening he is to other women. Or do they only look the other way, thinking they cannot live without a man in their lives?

Subsequent, to return back to my story, being married for so long, her husband who always controlled the businesses, and he was a brilliant man indeed. He silently recognized that she didn’t know how he maneuvered his company, money and all the details of making a great living. He perhaps wanted to know this about her, her lack of understanding finance matters. Consequently, when the divorce became imminent, he knew precisely how to shield himself and to misappropriate all the funds even her own. He figured, hey she’s leaving the same way she came in to this marriage. Not taking into account how she provided him with everything she had to give, raising his three children and her two, working in their company, which they started together, nurtured the family and adored and loved him and their family with all her heart.

In the beginning, returning back alone into the big world, considering spending so many years for and with another person, this can became daunting and such a ordeal to endure. Coming across a place to live, looking for work, and candidly it takes a few years to thoroughly get the insight of life and to shape it all together again. The struggle was enormous and the odds were not good. Keep in mind this is a naive woman, she suffered to undergo how and what to do, not to mention she had no clue about this crazy world.
About one year into this life change, let’s call her Laura; well Laura had an incredibly pleasant neighbor that was very young, about 22 years old, Debra. Now Deb was a beauty herself, although Deb still lived at home with her parents, she thoroughly enjoyed Laura’s companionship as they would talk about finding work, growing up and clothes. Thus the day Deb came over, Laura could hear her running up to the house yelling her name, and she was so excited about her news of meeting the most awesome man in the world. Furthermore, he asked her to marry him.

Both girls at this time, were living inland, about forty minutes from their favorite town of Newport Beach, Deb's car wasn’t working and she was partaking in their engagement party that very night, at his parent’s restaurant. “Oh please!” She begged, “Please take me,” Laura hasn’t left the house in a long time, due to depression over this strange divorce, finances and life, during this time in her life she was losing ground fast. However, how could anyone say, “No” to such a dear girl?

During this horrific time there was only one person in the world that helped her, his name was Jack Wade, he owned the Cowboy nightclub in Anaheim, he never knew this story about her, but he was there to help, all the same…Thanks Jack…

As Agreed, Laura would drive and they arranged to meet at one of her girlfriends' Condo at the Beach, it was located right off Jamboree by the Fashion Island Mall, a high price area for sure. Laura was nervous about going out, she felt not ready to go into public yet, and really didn’t want to spend the evening with such young girls. However, her son was out for the evening with friends and her daughter was staying all night with her boyfriend, thus another abandoned night at home was not what the doctor ordered.

Yes, she would go and attempt to have a pleasant time, it was hot in the summer and actually it become apparent that is was about time to venture out, unvarying it was to be only a small step. During that day of rushing here and there, this sensation of dread started to creep over Laura, it was to some extent a dreamy sense of this fixation simply not being acceptable, a little like, maybe Mercury had gone retrograde or the planets were lined up in a strange way. Laura tried to ponder through these feelings and laughed them off as her world was upside down. So tonight she was going out and that was that!
To be continued…

The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on Redgage and My Smashing Magazine to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copyscape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone should copy my works...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Largest Diamondback Rattle Snake
The Largest Diamondback Rattle Snake
While growing up I was reared in the high desert in a town called Lancaster California. A very small town with undeveloped breathing space of desert ubiquitously, the wind was always blowing and or legs and lips were dry and chapped. I remember one day, I was in six grade and wanted my legs to look shinny and nice. So that morning I put Vaseline all in excess over my legs, it was in relation to a mile to walk to school, and on the way a biting wind came up, we called them dirt devils. Nevertheless I was sprayed with dirt. I emerge at school with dirt stuck to my legs; I was so mortified, I simply wanted to go home. I had to run to the restroom to scrub all the dirt off my legs. OMG what a dork…

The entire spring and summer long we would play from the instant we could get out of the house; we amuse ourselves in the desert; built forts in the underground next to the yucca trees, or climbed up the large tall trees. It was more fun looking through the junk yards and old houses, we would take bits and pieces of objects to enhance our forts to fashion it like a home. We created a castle for my lizards and horny toads with roads, along with hide outs for them and a protective area so they couldn’t get out. Everyday I would round up ants and bugs for their meals…

We would hang out at the local ponds and catch tag poles…I loved these amazing creatures, I would bring them home and put them in a large round fish bowl with a large rock in the center, then I would position a slice of mesh over the top, so when the frogs started to grow their legs they needed a place to lounge and that was what the large rock in the center was for. They liked eating flies so they got a nice meal of these bugs as well. One day I came home from school and my mother was screaming as I opened the door to enter. She was terrified of my lizards, bugs, and tag poles. She was as fearful of my frogs, which had now grown their legs and jumped up, pushing the mesh off the top and were now roaming around the house…what an eventful day that was! When I think back at my mom, it is really hilarious.

While spending all my days as a desert rat, I would meet all the creatures that lived in the desert world. When you develop into one with nature and you are not anxious of this life, the creatures just pass you by, wave hello and off they go on their way. When you grow to become an adult and you learn to fear and become harmful, they can feel this energy, and then they are dangerous to you.
During the spring the Diamond Back Rattle snakes would shed their skins; we would search and save these exciting finds. This is when they come out of their winter slumber and come out hungry; they are great for getting rid of goffers, rats, mice. Snakes are a vital part of the ecosystem and need protection. Not until man understands and appreciates the beauty and importance of all life, can we fully benefit from Earth’s marvels and unlock her mysteries. Now, don’t get me wrong at this stage in my life I am so very scared of snakes, or you might call it a healthy respect.

However, during my youth, a Scorpion or Rattle Snake would pass us by while playing in the desert, and they just went along their merry way. Snakes can hear noise and stay hidden and Scorpions can feel the movement around them. Not once did I hear a rattle of warning I have seen a scorpion arch its back in warning. We understood these signs and feel lucky that I was allowed to play outside all day to learn about life and nature. Now our children can’t leave home without being watched.

Something I learned is that a baby snake's bit is more serious then an adult, and adult snakes fangs can run from an inch or longer. In Florida the snakes hide up and live in the palm trees and they are also documented and known to swim in salt water. However the larger and most dangerous Diamond Backs live in Texas…I feel sorry for some of those cattle! Most snakes grow to at least seven feet long, but the average size is three to four feet.

The most distinguishing feature, of course, is the rattle. This is a series of horn like structures at the end of the snake called the rattle, which they can add a new rattle two to three times per year. Now here are some pictures of the largest rattle Snake ever found, and he was captured in Texas. I hope you enjoy theses pictures of this unique and the largest Diamond every seen. Love & Peace

The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on RedGage and My Smashing Magazine to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copyscape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone should copy my works...   ALL PHOTO BELOW CAME FROM MY FATHER ANTHONY SABELLA AND CAME FROM THE LOCAL NEWSPAPER IN TOWN.

The Diamondback Rattle Snake

15 foot Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake. Largest ever caught on record.

After seeing this, I did a little research, and learned the following:

One bite from a snake this large contains enough venom to kill over 40 full grown men.

The head alone is larger than the hand of a normal sized man.

This snake was probably alive when George H. W. Bush was President.

A bite from those fangs would equal being penetrated by two 1/4 inch screwdrivers.

A snake this size could easily swallow a 2 year-old child.

A snake this size has an approximately 5 and 1/2 foot accurate striking distance. (The distance for an average size Rattlesnake is about 2 feet)

Judging by the size of the snake, it is estimated to weigh over 170 pounds. How much do you weigh?

Native American legend of the Lakota
Native American legend of the Lakota
Several years ago, was my first time to here the story of the existence and history of the Peace Pipe? Bear, the leader of our Lakota sweat lodge, always told us many stories. Somewhat he would talk to us like when you go to church and hear something powerful that affects you and changes your life. Not in a subtle why it is always a story this is profound and powerful?

One day he told us a story, after being with Bear and Edna for many years, I came to hear this story numerous times. Many many years ago, when life was free and the air was clean and only the forests covered all the lands and nature and the four legged, lived all around and lived in freedom.

There were a few Lakota men chosen to guard over their land and to protect their people, so they left their camp to the top of a high hill to look for enemies and to watch out for any good herds of Buffalo to hunt. They were young and having some fun and acting silly, then one of young men saw movement out of the corner of his eye said, I see one enemy coming, so crazy that only one is walking alone.
The young men are becoming quiet startled by this site, so they hid behind some trees at the edge of the forest. Scared as they were watching, then one whispers to the others, that is a women!

She walked right up to top of the hill and stood right in front of the men hiding behind the trees. Embarrassed they came forward and stood with their mouths hanging open, this woman was a beautiful angelic Indian woman with long shinny black hair, with a crown of brown leather stripe embedded with turquoise of many color and red feathers; her eyes were brown like a deer. She was wearing a white leather skin dress; with bead work along the chest, and on the cuff of each sleeve with was made of black leather. And the carefully crafted bead work flowed along and around the bottom of her dress; her feet had white and black leather moccasin boots with beads made of turquoise.

They make out that she was clutching a little parcel in her arm, it was a long piece surrounded in layers and layers of sagebrush. In the men’s heart of hearts they knew and deeply silent and recognize she was otherworldly, she was a perceptive spirit and came to present them with a significance message, they cleared their minds of thoughts of this woman and experienced the fire drawing closer from within her, and the warmth extend and radiated and touch them with her affection and divine presence, at this moment they realized that she was holy and they felt honored. Except for one of the men, who wanted this to be his women?

She put down the bundle she was holding and placed it before them on the ground. She said to them, Come here? they replied, with a low tone in their voice, "What is it that you want from us" The man that initially becomes aware of her beauty walked up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, as if to take her as his own.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, right then and there they saw a large whirlwind appeared then a mist shrouded, which them, surrounding the man and women. After that, the other men appreciated that all was unmistakable distinctive again, and the women was holding the gift wrapped in sage in her hand, in spite of this, the man that touched her was laying at her feet and a pile of bones.

The last two men standing were stunned as they gazed at the bile of bones, next they looked back at this mysterious woman with a new-fangled respect of her supremacy. She finally spoke to them, I am on a journey to your people, among your people is a man named Bull Walking Upright. It is imminent to see him and only him?

She continued to speak to them with a sturdy message? Go now and tell your people that I will be there soon, and ask them to move camp and to pitch their tents into a circle. Also, they are required to leave an opening in the large circle in the middle of the circle of their tents. Tell them to leave an opening in the circle facing the north and in the center make a large tepee, also facing the north.

Afterward, when all her directives were complete, she walked into the circle and was there with Bull Walking Upward and his people. Go now, and adorn yourselves as your mother does? In black and red, in brown and white, these are the colors of the buffalo, And also Mother Earth," she said, "The Earth is your mother. So, for exceptional ceremonies, you will honor your mother Earth always. And, above all else, bear in mind that this is a peace pipe, and I am bringing it to you and your people; and this is a gift from Mother Earth."

You will breathe out the smoldering smoke before and during all ceremonies. You will praise and share the peace pipe before making any treaties. It will bring peace to the Lakota nation and for your people it will bring peace in their hearts and minds. If you will use it when you pray to the Big Strong One above and to Mother Earth you will be sure to bear and receive the blessings that you ask." When the woman had concluded her teaching, she turned and leisurely walked away everyone was left in wonderment. The whole of her people observe her walk outside the gap of the circle, she paused for a split second and then she softly lay down on the ground in the open field.

Then unexpectedly she levitated and then she bowed into the form of a black buffalo cow. Followed by once more she lay down and then became the figure of a red buffalo cow. A third time she lay down, and arose as a brown buffalo cow. The fourth and final time she took on the of a perfectly white buffalo cow. Then she walked toward the north into the horizon she descended and finally disappeared over the hill.

Bull Walking Upright always stay close to the peace pipe vigilantly keeping wrapped in sagebrush all of the time. Every once in a while he would call all his people to gather, and he would untied the bundle, and share the lessons he had been taught by the angelic spirit buffalo woman. And, he used it in prayers and other ceremonies until he was way over one hundred years old.

Whilst he became frail, he held a great feast. There he bestowed the most precise pipe and the lessons to Sunrise, a commendable man. In a similar way the pipe was passed down from generation to generation. "As long as the pipe is used," the beautiful woman once said, "Your people will live long and will remain happy. As soon as it is forgotten, your people will perish."

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The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on RedGage to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copy-scape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone should copy my works...