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Saturday, May 28, 2011

An Annual Car Race - The Pikes Peak International Hill Climb

An Annual Car Race - The Pikes Peak International Hill Climb

Historically, Pikes Peak was a widespread destination, when the Mountain would come into view, from a distance the early settler traveled through the bare and jagged plains. Once they achieve a position the mountain peak formed exhilaration in the midst of the inhabitants traveling in the wagon trains. Even supposing it would acquire a long time to arrive at their location, while they moved closer. The Pike Peak Mountain became larger and larger. This came to pass as the gate way on a rugged pass to scramble up and around this mountain, and eventually to progress to Cripple Creek during the gold rush days.

Currently, in the present day, there is an exhilarating event that is called The Pikes Peak International Hill Climb. The Race starts at 9,000 feet, where at this position the pavement is on this part of the road. On the other hand, the top of the summit is 14,000, cold and dangerous; these roads remain dirt and turn into narrow roads, which exist a challenge of shear cliffs in the elevated regions of this race.

One thing to remember you enter the tundra, this is about the tree line, trees cannot grow about a give elevation. The Tundra is an amazing place where few things can live and grow. However you will find families of Mountain Goats, on Pikes Peak...

Various people come here every summer for this electrifying and thrilling race. This mountain continually has clouds on top of its peak; even if the sky is blue with no clouds, Pikes Peak always has a cluster of clouds. The Native American called this, "The Mountain that makes clouds". During my years of living up and on the back side of Pikes Peak, the scenery is breath taking.

The race is for automobiles and motorcycles’, the distance is 12.42 miles over 156 turns, and climbing 4,721 feet. Like I said, some of the road it pavement, but turns into gravel, this race started in 1916. On average there are 150 competitors, and they all love to race to the clouds. This event is famous and brings a great amount of tourist to the Colorado SpringsCity. Maybe you would like to get into this race, call the Chamber of Commerce for more information. Enjoy a few pictures of some of the cars.  All photo's from this article comes from the Colorado Springs Convention And Visitors Bureau.

The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on HubPages to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copyscape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone tries to copy. 

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