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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Healing Japan
For all people on our planet, we all suffer in our hearts when you suffer

The purpose of all human relationships, including between nations

Is a Holy Relationship; with all people, as we are all one?

We share the Earth as one, therefore we are meant to love as one

I am old and feeble, yet last night I thought I must hurry and find a way to help you

Maybe I can fly to Japan and help serve you food, or wash your feed

I am your humble servant as we all should feel this way to one and the whole

Overwhelming is the right word, how do I find out what you need?

Your needs are immense

What you require and desire has been all taken away from you

Now in this time in space; you live in a vacuum, a avoid, the Eternal Allness where you started

I pray to devise a plan and the way for you to recreate anew

You Japan, will find out who you are “In this horrific experience”

Now you will become as new people, like Buddha when he woke and walked in the river to become anew

Now that same river is from all the tears we shed for all of you, enough tears to create a strong river of

Now you will exist in a relationship to something else

Oh, the process from which you must openly and willingly give into is like having total amnesia, this is essential

Then you will know that there are traps and tricks out in our relatity which is simply a trick, and that you are all of it and in it

You cannot know that relativity is merely a trick

You will start to rebuild and expand and explore to reach full awareness to learn from the past

Be open to changing and re-creating your reality as you stretch your consciousness to new limits, or there are maybe, just maybe no more limits

I love you, we all love you, we are here for you, many many people surround you who care.

My wish for all of you is perfect nirvana...

IThe copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on My Smashing Magazine to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copy-scape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone should copy my works...

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