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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Plant Citrus Fruit Trees: Look to The Experts

Plant Citrus Fruit Trees: Look to The Experts

Plant Your Shade Tree and citrus trees in the Spring And in the Fall

Spring is an excellent time to plant your shade tree. My best friend, Lucy owns a huge tree farm and this is the advice I have learned from her.

Fundamentally, the first thing you initially do, dig your hole, and you have got to make absolutely sure it is wide and deep and sufficient for the ball root of your tree. One strong point, you should measure to make sure you give your tree the chasm to survive. Many people also will plant trees in the fall. But, for this hub we are going to focus on the spring time.

Your Root Ball must fit just right into the hollow your digging, make sure it is nice and muddy as you ease your tree into the burrow, by no means, too deep or above the grass line, also soil that is too sandy or has to much clay, consider purchasing some good peat mose to mix with the soil. Never fertilze a tree in the fall, which is the time your tree wants to sleeps. Always fertilize in the spring….

Immediately, that you’re ready to place in your nice soil mix to cover and pack it down around the ball root to prevent air pockets. (Very important) If there is any plastic twine you are obliged to cut and remove this and throw it away. In time plastic is not a green environmental product and will wrap around the roots over the years and kill your Tree.

without hesitation, you can leave the burlap on, you do not need to remove this or string, the burlap and string is called the basket. And if it should have a few metal ties that is okay as well, this will over time add iron to the soil around the root area, which is a good thing. A caliper is what is called the size of the tree, two or three inches. It’s is a good inspiration to cut away the burlap only around the top of the ball root. Once again, don’t bury to deep in water. Remember dirt settles so pack it down. Also, the first year or two, stake your tree to protect it from the wind.

Water your shade tree two or three times a week, if the leaves start to turn yellow, you are watering it too much, if they get hard and crunchy you are not watering it enough. Good Luck and plant many trees, volunteer to help out on Arbor Day at the Arbor Day Foundation. I am an animal lover and tree huger, so join in and help us show Mother Earth how much we love her. God Bless

The copyright to this article is owned by Darlene Sabella. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on My Smashing Blog to read the remainder of the article.) I am also a member of Copyscape, they hold all my articles and will show if anyone should copy my hubs...

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